In the framework of the Inter-University Cooperation Project Lao-Luxembourg, the University of Luxembourg organised a special online lecture on the “International Bill of Human Rights” on 23rd February 2022. We had the pleasure to welcome again Dr. Başak Bağlayan, post-doctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg. Ms. Bağlayan’s conference focused on the “International Bill of Human Rights”; she presented the instruments constituting this bill of rights: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and the optional protocols to ICCPR. Ms. Bağlayan elaborated on the content of these instruments and their legal status. The presentation later particularly focuses on the implementation and monitoring mechanisms of the ICCPR and ICESCR, including their scope of application. Dr.Başak Bağlayan concluded her lecture by explaining the rules of treaty reservation.

The lecture was attended via Zoom by 117 participants including students of the FLP, as well as lecturers, and Academic staffs from the Faculty of Law and Political Science, the National Institute of Justice, the Faculty of Law and Administration of Champasack University. Participants actively engaged with the guest speaker in the Q&A session.