First steps towards an institutional repository for NUoL

The Inter-University Cooperation is actively supporting the development of an institutional repository for NUoL, in collaboration with the LuxDev Project Lao/031. We do so with the kind assistance of our partner EIFL. An institutional repository is an archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the intellectual output of a research institution. Repositories contain … Continued

Hybrid E-library training, 21 Dec 2020 and 2 Feb 2021

The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) of Luxembourg keeps supporting training on “ How to use the E-library “. Ms. Jevgenija Sevcova, Programme Coordinator, from EIFL led two half virtual training sessions on the 21st of December 2020 and the 2nd of February 2021, accompanied by Dr. Perrine Simon. Ms. Jevgenija was presenting … Continued

Workshop on Plagiarism and Research ethics, Jan 2021

The Inter-University Project in partnership with LuxDev-Lao/031 has organised from 20-22 January 2021 a 3-day workshop dedicated to plagiarism and research ethics in Vang Vieng. The event in English gathered 20 FLP lecturers. This workshop took place in the framework of our support to the establishment of “Guidelines on legal research” (see). The Luxembourg Cooperation … Continued

Online Moot training series, Nov-Dec 2020

The Inter-University Cooperation project between the University of Luxembourg and the National University of Laos has been supporting training for the ICRC International Humanitarian Law Moot Court competition at the FLP for four years. This year, the project also organised a hand-over ceremony of certificates on the 11th of November 2020, to reward the teams … Continued

Support to “Guidelines on Legal Research”, Nov-Dec 2020

The University of Luxembourg is supporting the elaboration of official guidelines for legal research by the Faculty of Law of NUOL. A committee of lecturers was created to draft these guidelines under the supervision of the two vice-dean of the FLP adjuncts to research. The committee is supported by the Liaison Officer of the Inter-University … Continued

Hybrid Law Winter School, 15-17 Dec, 2020

The Inter-University Cooperation Project organised its first Hybrid “Law Winter School” from 15-17 December 2020, in Vang Vieng as the previous Law Summer School in 2019. 12 candidates were selected based on their interest in improving their legal knowledge and level of English for an intensive 3-day seminar entirely in English. This edition included 9 … Continued

19th IHL Moot Court, Hybrid National Round, 9 Dec 2020

On the 9th of December 2020, the National round of the ICRC International Humanitarian Law Moot Court competition took place at the FLP with the support of the University of Luxembourg. This year was quite special as the judges decided on the winner partly virtually through Zoom. Six teams composed of two mooters competed in … Continued

First hybrid lecture on Human rights law, 2 Nov 2020

In the framework of the Inter-University Cooperation Project Laos – Luxembourg , the University of Luxembourg organised its first hybrid lecture! Dr Basak Baglayan from the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance – Luxembourg, gave a lecture via Zoom to 50 participants, students and teachers from the Faculty of Law and Political Science National University … Continued

Training on How to use the e-library, 8-11 Sep 2020

Training sessions on how to use the new e-library established by the University of Luxembourg took place from the 8th until the 11th of September 2020 in the framework of the Inter-University Project. Librarians of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of NUOL and of the NUOL Central Library learnt how to use the … Continued

Hybrid E-library training, 2-3 September 2020

The University of Luxembourg keeps organising training on “How to use the E-library” established with its support. Through our agreement with the organisation EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries,, hybrid training sessions were provided in Thai language on 2nd and 3rd of September 2020 with the kind assistance of librarians from Thammasat University. 12 lecturers … Continued