In the framework of our cooperation with ILSTA, the University of Luxembourg contributed to ILSTA’s Annual conference on organised crime in Vientiane during 11-13th February 2020.
Pr. Stefan Braum gave a presentation on “Criminal policy and prevention of crime” and Dr. Perrine Simon a presentation on “The importance of evidence in criminal proceedings”.

The Liaison Officer organised a special Mock trial session bringing together Ass. Pr. Hajer Rouidi from France (University of Rouen), Dr. Lawrence Siry, former PhD, and Mr. Max Muller (Attorney in Luxembourg). They acted respectively as the judge, the prosecutor and the defense lawyer in two fictitious cases focusing on the role of actors in Court presenting offences related to human trafficking, and drug trafficking/money laundering. The “actors” based their legal arguments on lao laws and explained their reasoning in a questions-answers session following their performance.

Watch the full Mock trial videos on the links below:
- Link to Mock Trial on Money Laundering and Drug Trafficking
- Link to Mock Trial on Human Trafficking