The University of Luxembourg is continuing to support the drafting of academic guide for legal research. On 5 October 2021, Vice-Dean Dr. Somdeth KEOVONGSACK and Dr. Perrine Simon, Liaison Officer from the University of Luxembourg led an online workshop via Zoom bringing together the seven committee members from FLP, in charge on the participatory drafting of the guidelines.
This workshop was dedicated to the revision and the finalisation of the draft guidelines. The guidelines are covering aspects of legal research such as the definition of legal research and the different types of legal research, the sources used in legal research, rules of academic ethics and plagiarism, referencing style, and advice on academic writing to structure a law paper.

Committee members presented the chapters they have drafted or co-drafted with the Liaison Officer to others. The aim was to consult all committee members on the draft in order to get their comments and suggestions. The workshop was intensive and successful. They all had fruitful and informative exchanges for the Guidelines on Academic Legal Research Methodology!

The way forward is the translation of the draft into Lao and the preparation to present the guidelines to FLP academic staff on the next upcoming workshop in this month.
The guidelines on legal research are an important tool to improve the understanding about legal research and enhance the quality of legal research. They could serve as a benchmark for research in law, but could also inspire similar academic strategies/policies in political science, and on plagiarism and research ethics at NUOL level.