On 3-4 November 2021, the Inter-University Cooperation Project Laos-Luxembourg organised 2 half-days of basic training on ‘How to Use the E-Library’ for FLP’s lecturers. It was the eighth training organised by the Project. The sessions were led fully online via Zoom again due to the Covid-19 situation in Laos. Ms. Xayyahong, the Project Assistant was in charge of the interpretation for the first time on the second day.

15 lecturers participated in the training led by Ms Jevegenija from EIFL, with the assistance from Dr. Perrine, the Liaison Officer of the University of Luxembourg who was monitoring and helping the participants.

On the first day, the trainer introduced the participants to the new e-library, presented the resources now available digitally and asked trainees to run some small searches as an exercise. On the second day, the trainees explored more in depth the search platform by doing practical exercises consisting of finding specific resources on given research topics. This allowed them to learn how to find resources for their classes and research. The lecturers actively engaged with Ms. Jevgenija by asking questions and sharing their search results via Zoom features.

The e-library is an essential tool to strengthen access to knowledge and a concrete tool for teachers to prepare their classes and do research. More e-training will be coming soon!

The E-library is a digital version of a library accessible via internet which gives access to online databases containing books (e-books), academic journals and many other resources such as magazines and newspapers. Visit the webpage of the FLP: http://flp.nuol.edu.la/e-library/