The University of Luxembourg is actively supporting problem-based learning (PBL) through moot court training. The Inter-University Cooperation Project Laos-Luxembourg has provided for the first time this year training support for Lao law lecturers online.
From the 16th of November to the 1st of December, the Project has organised capacity building activity with around 15 lecturers from the FLP of NUOL and Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Champasak. The training was organised online and was led by Dr. Papawadee Tanodomdej from Chulalongkorn University (CU). Dr. Papawadee is a lecturer of Public international law, the coach for Chula’s team in the Philips C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition 2021 and is also actively involved in the Thailand IHL Moot Court Competition organised by the ICRC.

The main objective of this activity was to introduce Lao lecturers to the IHL Moot and to train them into moot court coaching. The training was run in Thai language and covered the basics of moot court competition, public international law and international humanitarian law. During the training, participants also had an opportunity to work in teams in break-out rooms and evening homework to prepare legal arguments. This practical aspect of the training helped participants to understand more in-depth how moot court works. Dr. Papawadee also shared her experience as a coach in Thailand and how they have set-up an IHL Moot Court in Thai language, which led to increase the number of universities competing and teams.

Over the past five years, the coaching of Lao team for the Asia-Pacific IHL Moot Court Competition has been supported by the Liaison Officer of the Project. We aim for the next years to involve Lao lecturers in the coaching of students more!