In the framework of the Inter-University Cooperation Project Laos-Luxembourg, the University of Luxembourg organised its first law movie club on the 30th of March 2022. The objective is to broaden students’ legal knowledge and cinema culture in a fun and enjoyable way. The students will have the chance to learn more about international justice and other legal systems. Most of the movies we plan to screen will be in English, so that the students can improve their English skills and develop their legal vocab.
The movie screening was organised in partnership with the Ms Khonesavanh Vongvanhnaxay, Human rights law lecturer and attended by 21 students and from the Faculty of Law and Political Science, International Relations Department.
For our first session, we screened the movie “First They Killed My Father” directed by Angelina Jolie released in 2017 on Netflix, which received several awards. The movie is based on the true story of Luong Ung and on her book published in 2000. The film portrays her heart-breaking family story in the labour camps in Cambodia and her enrolment as child soldier under the Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s.

At the end of the session, the Project intern Ms Maynika Phongsa ran a Kahoot quiz prepared with Dr Perrine Simon testing the students’ knowledge on International criminal law, relating the movie to the ICL offences of “genocide”, “crime against humanity” and “war crime” and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. The winner of the quiz Ms Soutlasi Yarkaomany was rewarded with one of our personalised Project bags!