On 23-27 January 2023, the Inter-University Cooperation Project Laos-Luxembourg organized a 5-day E-Resources Training and Facilitation Workshop at the Faculty of Law and Political Science (FLP) of NUOL. It was the first face-to-face E-Resource Training organized by the Project.
16 FLP librarians and ICT volunteers attended the training led by Ms. Jevgenija Sevcova from the EIFL. Mr. Pathanaphone Nammalath, the Project Assistant for the Inter-University Cooperation Project, was in charge of the interpretation for all 5 days of training. The training follows the “train the trainer”-principle; the goal is to equip a group of volunteers with the relevant skills, so that they in turn can become E-Resources trainers at the FLP. The training focused on how to facilitate and organize the training on E-library. The FLP librarian volunteers also learned more deeply about searching on the E-library website.
The first day of the training was dedicated to the participants’ introduction. The trainees were also provided a self-assessment on learning, in which they discovered their best learning style by making a paper hat. Moreover, they were divided into five groups to assess the audience’s emotions and handle the participants’ bad behaviors through stimulation.
On day 3, the trainees explored the search platform more in-depth by doing practical exercises consisting of finding specific resources. On this day, Ms. Jevgenija invited a special guest. This allowed them to learn how to find resources for their classes and conduct research. They actively engaged with Ms. Jevgenija by asking questions and sharing their search results.
On the fourth day, the trainees leaned how to prepare and create the best presentation. Some presentation tips were also introduced to them. Sixteen trainees did exercises and applied all lessons learned to prepare a presentation on how to give the best presentation, the next day.
On the last day, the groups of trainees presented their presentation and were given feedback and comments on it. All participants did very well, and the feedback was really good.
All students received certificates after completion of the training.

This workshop is a tool to strengthen access to knowledge and a concrete tool for the library and ICT volunteers to prepare themselves to become trainers. Hopefully, we will witness a training from these future trainers for the FLP soon!