On November 1, 2023, the Inter University Cooperation Project Laos-Luxembourg organized an e-library training for the freshmen at the Faculty of Law and Political Science (FLP) of NUOL.
The training was attended by 30 first-year students from the Faculty of Law and Political Science (FLP), and it was led by Patthanaphone Nammalath, the project assistant of the Inter University Cooperation project.

Patthanaphone introduced students to the available resources at the university and explained how to access them remotely from outside the campus. The training provided an opportunity for students to learn how to access credible online resources available to them through the e-library to assist them in their coursework and research projects. The training provided a hands-on approach on how to navigate through the e-library using both basic and advanced search options. The trainer provided effective techniques to locate relevant information, enabling students to develop essential research skills. The training enabled students to access reliable online information through the FLP e-library website.

The student participated actively in the training session and expressed satisfaction at the end. The trainer offered a fun and engaging activity via Kahoot. This interactive method allowed the students to practice and review the given information. After the training, up to 40 students register to get remote access to E-library.
This training was highly beneficial for the students, providing them with the opportunity to develop research skills and access reliable online resources. We look forward to similar training session in the future for the benefit of the student community at the FLP.