In the framework of the Inter-University cooperation between the Luxembourg and Lao PDR, the Faculty of Law and Political Science National University of Laos had the pleasure to welcome Pr. Séverine Menétrey from the University of Luxembourg . Pr. Menétrey, expert in Civil Law Procedure, led a four-day seminar dedicated to law lecturers focusing on “The Right to Fair Trial in Civil Law Cases”.

She focused and analysed in particular international standards applicable to fair trial (especially the Article 14 of the ICCPR), the Lao Law on Civil Procedure and the Constitution of the Lao’s People ’s Democratic Republic.

The seminars were attended by FLP lecturers together with several teachers from the NIJ and some students from civil law and criminal law invited by their teachers. Pr. Menétrey also gave a Special lecture on the same topic as part of ILSTA’s open lectures at the FLP for students.