Moot Court Training of Trainers, 16 November – 1 December

The University of Luxembourg is actively supporting problem-based learning (PBL) through moot court training. The Inter-University Cooperation Project Laos-Luxembourg has provided for the first time this year training support for Lao law lecturers online. From the 16th of November to the 1st of December, the Project has organised capacity building activity with around 15 lecturers … Continued

Online Intensive Moot Training Course, 22-26 November 2021

Under the framework of the Inter-University Project Laos-Luxembourg, the University of Luxembourg has been supporting students’ training in the ICRC IHL Moot Court Competition since 2016. This year, because of the COVID-19 restrictions in place, the intensive Moot training was organised online via Zoom from the 22nd through 26th of November. Dr. Lawrence Siry, who … Continued

Online Lecture on IHL given by the ICRC Bangkok, 6 November 2021

In cooperation with the Faculty of Law and Political Science, NUOL and the ICRC, an online lecture on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) was organised on the 6th of November via Zoom with the support of the University of Luxembourg. Nearly 90 participants attended the lecture, including students and lecturers from the FLP. The lecture was … Continued

International Round of IHL Moot Court, 11-12 March 2021

Congratulations again to the Lao team participating in the Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court, which was exceptionally organized through a virtual format for the first time this year, on 11-12 March  2021. The University of Luxembourg is actively supporting NUoL’s participation in this international competition! Dr. Perrine Simon, the Liaison Officer of, … Continued

Online Moot training series, Nov-Dec 2020

The Inter-University Cooperation project between the University of Luxembourg and the National University of Laos has been supporting training for the ICRC International Humanitarian Law Moot Court competition at the FLP for four years. This year, the project also organised a hand-over ceremony of certificates on the 11th of November 2020, to reward the teams … Continued

19th IHL Moot Court, Hybrid National Round, 9 Dec 2020

On the 9th of December 2020, the National round of the ICRC International Humanitarian Law Moot Court competition took place at the FLP with the support of the University of Luxembourg. This year was quite special as the judges decided on the winner partly virtually through Zoom. Six teams composed of two mooters competed in … Continued

ICRC Moot Court, National Round, FLP, 20-21 Nov 2019

On 20th and 21st of November 2019, the National round of the ICRC International Humanitarian Law Moot Court competition took place at the Faculty of Law and Politcal Science of NUOL. Six teams composed of two mooters competed in English acting in turn as the Defence and the Prosecution pleading a fictitious case before the … Continued

Moot Court Training, 4-8 Nov 2019

The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of Luxembourg in cooperation with Faculty of Law and Political Science of NUOL had the pleasure to welcome Dr. Heleen De Geest and Dr. Lawrence Siry to conduct a Moot Court Training at NUOL from the 4th-8th November 2019. Both have a long experience in moot court training … Continued

Lao team in Hong-Kong, IHL Moot, March 2019

Congratulations to the Lao team participating in the Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court which took place in March 2019 in Hong-Kong. The Liaison Officer has been coaching the students for the national rounds in 2018 and 2019 and for these international rounds. For the first time in Hong-Kong, the Lao team put in … Continued